Phishing is a way crooks try and bait you into giving up your personal, business, or financial information.
This article provides some basic information about phishing.
What Does Phishing Look Like
Why am I Getting Phishing Emails - Don't Your Filters Work?
Phishing, like spam, is really hard to eliminate from your email. Unfortunately, criminals and crooks work just as hard as we do to keep them out. These people are constantly adjusting and changing their tactics to evade detection by looking as close as possible to legitimate email.
Battling spam and phishing is a daily battle. The filters that are in place right now are eliminating the "known" patterns that we've seen to date. If you've got something suspicious in your inbox, it's because it is different and doesn't match known patterns.
I Think I Received a Phishing Email. What do I do?
You have a few choices:
- If you think it might be real and that it's from someone or a company you do business with, you can:
- Call the person and ask if it's real
- Send a new email to the person and ask if it's real (don't reply to the suspect email)
- Forward the email to or the internal email administrator address